
Sitting on the sidelines observing life.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I have "observed" recently that when we have the babes on the week-end, I spend most of the time in the kitchen.....with them. Adalai and I have spent countless Saturdays cooking, baking and crafting and now my precious little boy is right in the mix of things with us. How precious it is to watch them get so excited about making something with Gamma. Wilek will grab a chair and scoot it right up to the counter before I can turn around. He loves eggs. Still trying to teach him how to crack one, yes, at the age of 18 months. Seriously!!!!!

Adalai is a master with a hand mixer and can measure ingredients like a champ. Well, I have to show her which mark to go to, but she can do it.

Memories. That's what keeps go ing through my mind. Someday, when I am dead and gone, they will, hopefully, remember those Saturdays at my counter whipping up something. They also might learn something.

When I was a little girl, we lived way out in the country. Well, not really that far, but it seemed that way to me. We raised our own vegetable, meat, and my mom made my clothes. We never spent the night away from home except occasionally we would get to spend the night with a cousin. (As I got older, if my dad had known some of the things we did he would not have let me go there either.:), just saying.) Anyway, I was not really sheltered, but my dad was very, very protective and very practical. My parents felt that dance, and brownies, and music lessons were a lot less important for a country girl than 4-H club. Oh, don't get me wrong, I did love the 4-H club: I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world. I learned a lot in 4-H. I guess the most important things I learned were cooking, sewing and gardening. Three things I love to this day. Put me in the kitchen, at my sewing machine or in my yard and I'm a happy person. Did those girls who took dance and were Brownies feel the same about their experiences? Hmmmmm. Food for thought. Maybe my parents knew a little bit after all.

Anyway, I hope Adalai and Wilek will treasure these things as much as I do. Dance and Brownies and music are all very important and I have been a part of all of these in one way or another. Weekly dance classes for my girls for years, I WAS a Brownie leader, and both my girls have musical talents. But as for me, I'm glad I was in 4-H and thank you, Mrs. Greene, for everything you did to help me. I can still make a mean vanilla pudding from scratch. Oh, I won a blue ribbon at a competition for that....Just saying...