Can you believe it is the last day of another year? 2013 is almost gone and 2014 is here. I guess it's really no big deal. This seems to happen a lot and the older I get the more frequently these new years seem to come around.
This has been a year to remember. Can you say STRESS???? Well, the last 5 months have been running over with stressful situations. Whew. Kinda glad to get to start a new year. I worked at school this week and am ready, I think, to begin a new unit. So, work is good. Mom and dad are doing really good, Liz seems to be some better and, perhaps, adjusting to her new life a bit better. My friend Linda comes home today. My friend Joe is at home and doing pretty good. My dog still has issues with his leg and still may become a three-legged dog. Sweet, sweet Charly and her mom and dad are adjusting very well. What a blessing she is. Can you say over the top cuteness?????? The new house, or what we affectionately refer to as the money pit, is coming along. So, things are pretty much on a level
It is the American way to set goals or make resolutions on this the last day of the year so here are a few goals/resolutions I will consider for 2014:
1. Mail more cards/letters. I love buying stamps. Oh, not paying that crazy price for them but actually holding them in my hand and sticking them to an envelop. And I love getting cards and letters in the mail. Email and smartphones are great but there is nothing like that physical card in your hand.
2. Read more for fun. I love a good book. I have a Kindle Fire but I love a good book in my hands (see above...same deal).
3. Tuesday share day. I want to get back to cooking for others on Tuesday. I used to do this and really was blessed by sharing. On it!!!
4. WALK!!!! Dangit. Since we moved to the woods, it's just not as convenient to walk but I must get back in this habit. I miss it and my body misses it and my soul misses it. I was telling my dear sweet friend just yesterday that walking would solve allllll our problems. It nourishes you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. MUST walk.
5. Slow down. I don't have to hurry home everyday to get crap done. It will wait. It isn't going anywhere. Slow down.
6. Spend more time in God's word. Sometimes I rush through my study. See number 5 above.
7. Worry less. Yeah, right. My precious eldest child says that I just find stuff to worry about. Not true. It finds me. But my goal is to hide from worry. Give it to God. Maybe I need counseling...:)
8. Spend more time at our little place in the mountains. With everything going on this summer and fall, we didn't get up there that much. I am going a lot this year....The first week-end we can open it up, I'm there.
9. Have a vegetable garden. With the move last summer, we didn't have a garden. Being in the woods, I have a great place. Just hope the deer don't destroy it. We have pears, walnuts, grapes, apples and various other things so it is only natural to have a veggie garden.
10. Chickens....I want chickens. I have a coop and daddy is going to help me fix it up. Fresh eggs. Can't wait.
It is good to set goals for yourself. But one thing to keep in mind, don't beat yourself up if you don't reach all of them. I can live without chickens and I will probably still worry and I will not walk as much as I'd like and I'll still text and e-mail my friends but with goals we start thinking about what we are doing and what is important to us. We are but mere humans. We live in a world of convenience and technology so we will all fall short on some of our goals but that is totally ok.
I guess to sum up goal setting we can do it very easily; be nice, be good to yourself, serve God and enjoy living. Happy New Year.