
Sitting on the sidelines observing life.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

America The Great

Make America Great....Again????

It was so nice to get that extra hour of sleep this morning.  I woke up so totally rested on those wonderful clean sheets in my extremely comfortable bed.  I didn't wake up hungry or thirsty or sick.  I had had an amazing meal at Carrabba's last night with great friends so my tummy was full, possibly too full.

I was able to go to the church of my choice this morning and worship MY God without fear of persecution.  Then I had a huge lunch (again, too much) and am now curled up in my favorite chair with my lap top and my dog watching a movie hoping to doze off in a bit.  Later, I plan to head to Ingle's to do some grocery shopping ( I don't really need anything much but will probably over do it) then I'm heading to Belk's.  I decided today I want a cute vest to wear with a pair of jeans to an event later in the week.  

After this, I'm going to hit the pavement and get in a few miles before dark, I hope.

Tomorrow I will get up and head to work.  A job I love and enjoy going to.  Then I'll come home, hit the gateway and cook some supper or go out and grab a bite with the hubby.  The rest of the week looks similar except for jury duty on Wednesday which is a civic duty not to be taken lightly.  Then there is Tuesday...election day.  I take this election very seriously.  I've already voted but am anxious for the results.

Dang, life is grand!!!

For the most part, I've kept my opinions and views about the future president to myself.  I know how I feel, I know why I voted the way I did and no one is going to change my mind. And I know I'm not going to change anyone's mind.  And that's OK....We can agree to disagree....or can we????

The one thing that gets me over and over again, is the slogan, "Make America Great Again".  Again??? Are you serious?  Have you looked around just today?? Not great?? What about the food you had today, the clothes you have on right now?  The job you will go to tomorrow?  America not great?

Go to a third world country for two weeks and then come back and say America isn't already great!!  Go ahead..I dare you.  I dare you to say America isn't great when children in a third world country can't go to school because the cost of the required uniform for the year cost $30.00 which is the equivalent of a year's salary for their parents.  I dare you to say America isn't great when you see a mother grinding dirt to mix with water to dry and make wafers for her children's next meal.  I dare you to say America isn't great when you see a small man take a make shift cup and dip it in the trickle of water equal to about 2 cups, in a filthy stream to get a drink and an animal come up and drink the same filthy water..Go ahead, I dare you to say America isn't great.  When children are covered in sores and flies and disease and couldn't go to the doctor if there even was one available.  God ahead and say America in't great when you put your head on your comfy pillow tonight and people in a third world country put their heads on the dirt.  Go ahead, I dare you to watch as people cry and hold on to you begging to come back to America with you because they, too, know how great it is.  They're not laughing and calling America a joke..they are begging to come here.  To sleep in clean beds and eat clean food and get an education and to live as we do.  America is NOT a joke and the world knows it.

I just about promise that after this election and the votes have been tallied (not rigged), nothing much will truly change.  We won't be a third world country.  Hillary won't kill babies and she won't come take my guns (things I've heard recently).

So, next time you say or hear someone say we need to "Make America Great Again", remind them how great they have it AND will continue to have it.

America IS great...God bless America and our new president...whoever she is.....