
Sitting on the sidelines observing life.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Winnin' with Quinlan...and he will

I visited with Quinlan and his dad after school today at Levine's.  Quinlan is there for the week for session two of chemo.  What a beautiful place.  Beautiful yet so sad to me.  Walking by all those rooms I just imagined what must be behind those doors.  My heart breaks for those babies.  When I arrived outside Quinlan's room, he and his dad were not there.  I peeked in and saw the blanket I had made him across the bed so I knew it was the right room.  I just assumed they were somewhere close by so I just waited in the hall.  In a few minutes a couple doctors came and entered the adjacent room.  Not that I would ever eavesdrop, but I couldn't help overhearing the doctor give the family good news.  The spinal fluid was negative.  Then I heard (what sounded like) joy and excitement. I was so excited for these strangers.  I just looked to heaven and praised my God.  What wonderful news.  I saw a couple other children this time.  On my past visits, I never saw another child.  I think God knew I wasn't ready for that.  I guess I was today.  Both the other children seemed happy and were full of life.  They were both bald but precious to see.  May God bless them and heal them.

In a moment the doctors entered Quinlan's room and turned to leave.  I asked if they knew where he might be and they escorted me to the "teen room".  Yep, there they were. All smiles and looking like twins.  They both have shaved heads now and just look precious.  Quinlan looked amazing and today had been a day filled with heavy drugs.  His dad said he was more interested in getting out of his room this time.  Praise be to God.

He is doing great.  I hope this session goes as well as the last.  He will probably be there until Friday.  According to the schedule, he will have another PET scan on April 1st.  I can't wait.  I know the results will be amazing, even miraculous.

Please continue to pray for Quinlan and his family.  His mom is back in Texas and I know it must be terribly hard for her to be away.  Pray for Quinlan's dad as he stays by his side day and night.  What an amazing twosome they are.  Pray for the doctors as they treat this precious child.  Pray they know what to do to rid his young body of this terrible desease. 

I firmly believe this cancer will soon be gone and Quinlan will be back to his normal self. 

Love to you all.

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