
Sitting on the sidelines observing life.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

My Friend

They say (whoever "they" is) that if you're lucky in life, you get one, maybe two, true friends in life.  Seven and a half years ago, that "true friend" fell into my life and my heart with a bang just when I needed her most in my life. Our friendship was not one that had to grow....It was just there from the moment we met.  And now she is gone.

I have done pretty good since Wednesday.  I've held it together pretty good.  Until this morning.  My friend, my true friend, is gone and my heart is breaking.  She loved me.  I loved her.  I mean truly loved her.  I just hope she knew it.  I got to the ICU just in time to tell her one more time how much I loved her and how much her friendship had meant to me.  I hope she heard me.  I'm going with she did.  My heart hurts

I look around my home and see all these precious "things" she gave me over the years.  I sat at the dining room table last night she and her husband gave us as a gift when we moved in our house last year.  I wore one of the scarves she gave me just this week, I turned on a Christmas Santa Sleigh she gave me once because she knew I would love it.  I see her everywhere.  I have a coffee cup here with her name on it so she could have a special one when she came to visit.  My heart hurts.

My heart hurts because she's never going to be able to jump in the car with me and run to the mall for
a quick nighttime adventure or go with me to get our nails done.  I wish I could count how many pampered chef, Mary Kay, jewelry, or thirty-one parties we went to and all the church activities we attended together.  My heart hurts because she will not be at family birthdays and holiday gatherings.  My whole family, momma and daddy, my sister and her crowd, always expected Frank and Linda to be at our gatherings.  She has a big picture of Charly on her mantel and Adalai thought she hung the moon.  They WERE family.  Frank still is, of course, and he is as dear to us as Linda.

 What a husband to her he was.  A lot of men could take lessons from him and his 47 years of devotion to her.  Like he said this week, "She was a spoiled rotten brat."  Well, she wasn't really a brat but he did have her spoiled and he loved it and so did she.  After 47 years, her face would light up when he walked in the room.

Over the past year and a half or so, our adventures dwindled because of her declining health.  She did come to Charly's first birthday party the end of September even though we all knew she really didn't feel that great.  That was the last family outing she was able to attend.  She had a couple stays at the nursing home for rehab and many hospital trips and that big trip to Duke.  My outings were not the same.  I missed her in the front seat of my car trying to buckle her seat belt and know she missed going with me.  My heart hurts.

Our church became her family.  She walked in that church for the first time and everyone loved her and she loved everyone.  She and Frank were baptized just this summer.  This was something she wanted so desperately.  I am so thankful it happened.  It had to be rescheduled many times because of health issues but she and Frank were properly "dunked" as we teased.

On Monday, we will say our final goodbyes.  We will all go home and remember the beautiful person that Linda was.  We will all be forever thankful for having known her for these few short years.  I had this true friend who loved me and my family.  I am a better person because I had Linda as the best friend anyone could ever have asked for.

Rest in peace my precious friend.  I love you.  Thanks for loving me.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Body Drops

Have you ever wondered where all the people you see everyday come from?  How did they get here and why are they here?  Those people at the grocery store, the hardware, the doctor's office, the ones you pass in their cars.  Where did they come from?  And why are they in that particular place at that particular time?  WOW!  As of 2012, there were 7.05 billion people on the earth.  (I know that's right because i just googled it and if Google says it, I believe it...so there.)  But what are all these 7.05 billion people doing here....and there?

The older and wiser I get, the more I question the things around me.  Now at my wise old age I am seeing answers that I never saw before.  I tell my two precious daughters all the time, "I'm 50 plus years old.  I don't know everything but I DO know some stuff."  And I do.  I know how to do lots of things, I know how to make lots of things, I know when not to do lots of things, I know what consequences wait for some of the things I do, and just loads of other stuff.  We all do.  But what are those 7.05 billion people doing here?  Isn't that too many people for our tiny earth to sustain? Isn't that a lot of weight for the earth to hold up?

I guess I could sit around all day and all night for a long time and ask stupid questions but this question about all these people got to me today.

I was driving home around midday from Durham.  My dear, precious friend was scheduled for surgery today but the procedure was cancelled this morning and I decided to come home and just go back when it is rescheduled.  Now traffic wasn't really bad and, as a matter of fact, I was surprised at how little traffic there was in Durham.  I mean you have this major hospital and stuff and I was just expecting a tremendous amount of traffic and chaos. Nope....very calm and easy driving from my hotel to the hospital this morning.  It was very calm last night around 8:30 when Frank and I hit one of the major Durham hot spots.....(That would have been the Cracker Barrel next to the hotel.)

Of course I didn't know anyone there except for my friends but I had the opportunity to come in contact with three people who I still can't get off my mind.

After checking into my room, I talked with Frank at the hospital and decided to take the shuttle over and ride back with him.  I had to go to the desk and sign in for said shuttle.  They were real busy and the guy at the desk was on the phone and helping someone else.  While I was waiting, this lady came in.  It was extremely obvious that she was stressed and anxious.  She couldn't find her room. She said they pointed her in one direction and the room number wasn't there.  She needed a cart and there were none available.  Her husband was disabled and couldn't walk far.  She reminded me so much of my dad's youngest sister.  I guess that is why I was so drawn to her and her troubles.  When I got finished signing for the shuttle, I went outside and looked for her.  By this time this dear sweet lady was in tears.  I hugged her and told her I had 30 minutes to spare and I WAS going to help her.  I found her room and had her get in her car and follow me around to where it was.  (Another car almost got the handicapped spot I had found for them and I was about to lay down in it.  Those of you who know me, know I would have.)  I unloaded her car, helped her hubby get in with his walker and hung up her clothes.  By this time they were both smiling and less stressed.  I then asked what else they needed and said goodbye.

 Next, There was this lady sitting waiting for the shuttle with me (or so I thought).  I was pooped so I sat down and spoke to her (this is what a true southerner does) and she began to talk...and talk...and talk...and talk.  Bless.  She had so much to say about her poor husband.  He is in the VA right across from Duke going through yet another series of chemo treatments.  He has had a stroke and now they have discovered that his cancer has spread.  According to her, they believe all his problems come from his time spent in Vietnam and the contact he had with, yes, "Agent Orange".  Bless her heart.  She was so sad and appeared so worried which I guess any of us would be.  Of course I had no words....Just I'm sorry.  So, I just sat and look her in the eyes and listened and silently prayed for her and her precious husband.  I wish I had had a cake.   Cake is always good to share when someone is sad.  There should always be cake...Note to self......take cake back to Durham.....

I don't share these three people for any reason except to say that God, in his infinite wisdom, put me (one of the 7.05 billion) there for a reason.  That couple really truly needed help.  She would have been a basket case.  That lady at the shuttle stop needed to vent or she may have exploded. I really thought she was there to get on the shuttle with me.  When it came, I asked if she was ready and she said, "Oh no, I'm not going.  I just came out of my room to get some air."  Hmmmmm...I wonder.  Maybe I was put there because I needed to experience her sadness with her.  To see what others go through on a daily basis that I can even begin to comprehend.  Maybe I needed to see how a good wife cares for her disabled spouse when away from home.  Maybe God had major lessons for me with these three strangers.  Maybe this is why they are are still heavily on my mind and in my heart.

Please pray for my dear friend, Linda, and her husband, Frank, as they wait to see what happens next.  And pray for my stranger friends.....My God is amazing.  I never cease to be amazed.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Well, yes, I have been married for 30 years.  Well over half my life.  So in honor of the 30th anniversary of this union, I decided it appropriate to share some of my observations and some things I have discovered about marriage.

1)  IT AIN'T EASY!  It isn't possible to spend any length of time at all with a person and not have issues.  Dang, I have issues with my dog after being with him all day.

2)  Love grows.  There is a love there that is so amazing.  When God joins you with another person, He blesses you with a love that has no explanation.

3)  You honestly do become one. I have seen couples that really do start to look alike as they age.  Hmmmm. no comment about that.  Lane and I do think alike though.

4)  You KNOW each other.  I know he doesn't like certain foods.  I know what temperature he likes the thermostat set to.  I know which socks he likes best.  I know his favorite color.  I know what he likes to do on Sunday afternoon.  I know what kind of ice cream to get at Ingle's.  I know how he likes his shirt ironed. I know what songs to turn up on the radio.  I just know.

30 years.....  I looked at him the other night and asked, "What have we done for 30 years?  Where did all that time go?"

Well, we've done a lot.  We had three precious children.  One now in heaven.  We started a business that is still in operation and has provided for us very well for these years.  "Logan Plumbing Service for all you plumbing needs.  704-739-6696".  We remodeled a house. Not an easy task and here we are 30 years later doing it again.   We started out with no heat/ac, one bedroom, cardboard walls in the kitchen and bare plywood floors.  I had a washing machine but no dryer and would hang clothes on the line before I left for work in the morning.  Fun times...really.

There are a lot and I do mean a lot of things that I would like to forget.  We made mistakes and  some bad choices. Fortunately, those mistakes and bad choices helped define who we are and what our marriage is today.  Perfect.  Yes, we have the perfect marriage.  Oh, we still disagree and he still drives me crazy with dirty socks and ice cream bowls in the den and forgetting to pick up milk on his way home.  I still think we should change the step treads and he thinks we should fix up the sunroom first.  He thinks we should paint the potting shed something whimsical and I think it needs to be more traditional.  I think we should store my gardening stuff in the garage and he absolutely refuses to let me in there near his precious cars.  I think we should have one car each and he thinks he needs 15.  There are always things in a marriage men and women disagree on because, believe it or not, we are different.  Yes, we have issues,  but our marriage is still perfect.

Here is the key to a perfect marriage, GOD first.  I truly believe and know and have witnessed that if you put God first in your marriage, everything else falls into place.  Is it going to be easy? HECK no.  But can you handle things? HECK yes.

So my one word of advice to newly weds and young couples and people thinking about getting married or people thinking about getting a divorce is "Commitment."...People do not commit to anything.  This is why our divorce rate is so high.  Get tired, get a new one.  Just like buying a car or new shoes or a new house.  Just move on.  Keep your word because you are only as good as that.

Happy Anniversary.

Friday, June 6, 2014

school days and birthdays

Well, today was the last day of school for students.  It is kind of a bitter sweet day.  I will truly miss some of my students but I am honestly glad to see a lot of them move on over the hill to KMHS.  It has been a, well, year.  Again this year we had a student with cancer.  Fortunately, he went through surgery, treatment and returned to school for the last few weeks.  His first day back was very emotional.  I could hardly teach my class that day.  Praise God for this wonderful miracle.

State testing is always horrible.  Scores came in this week.  We look for growth from 7th grade to 8th and I was extremely pleased.  One of my students had a 20 point increase and most had increases of between 2 and 14 points.  Woohoo.  Take THAT Common Core..

I received some of the most wonderful notes, calls and gifts from kids and parents.  That's what makes walking in my classroom each morning worth it.  Monday we do paper work and finish cleaning and then we are out for a few weeks.  And no, what's your name in Raleigh, I don't get paid for these weeks I don't work but it is still nice to be home.

Its been a rough year.  Some of our kids have issues and challenges that most of us can only imagine dealing with.  Death of parents, abuse, severe poverty, etc., only begin to touch what we deal with.  Then there's all this junk the state is trying to do to us lowly teachers.  I knew when I originally went into teaching that I would never be rich.  But, what's your name in Raleigh, it would be nice to have just a tiny little raise.  I mean it has been years (I don't even remember how many now).  But I will continue to go in that classroom everyday next year and do what I love and love what I do.

Today is my birthday.  Can I really be 53 years old?????  Where has all that time gone?  My grandmother died at 53 and I thought she was the oldest woman in the world.  Geeze.  My mom's comment was, "what if you had a daughter 53?"  It is pretty cool being in your 50s.  I see people in the 30s and 40s and I am so thankful I am not them.  Whew.  Get a grip.  A lot of the crap you are stressing about will not amount to a hill of beans when your in your 50s.

So, thanks to all the kids and parents who were really great this year.  God bless you with success at KMHS and in your future.  Many of you I will hear about in the future because your potential is so great and your future is so bright.  Go forth with love in your heart and passion in your soul.

Thanks to all of those who sent me posts, texts and called, sent cards and brought gifts for my birthday.  I am humbled at your love and thoughtfulness.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Days

I am totally speechless this morning at the beauty around me.  Even my cats look beautiful this morning.  I slept in until 8:00 and am really sorry I did.  I should have stayed up at 5:30 and watched the snow.  I like to find one flake and watch it fall to the ground.  It's peaceful flight amazes me.  I think I could stand at this window and watch it fall forever.

Someone asked if I had noticed the quiet.  I think that is what is so amazing about a snow day.  The noise level drops to near zero.  In the woods, it is more noticeable.  All my senses come alive when I stand in the sunroom and open the window (yes, I do open the window).  I can hear the birds chirping and the squirrels scratching for fallen birdseed.  This squirrel has dug a very deep hole to find seeds.  The sight of the vibrant red birds, the doves (I think these sweet love birds are here for valentine's day), Woody was hanging out earlier, the finches and the others all take my breath as they scamper around for seeds.  The smell is simply clean.  Just pure and clean.  My coffee even tastes better standing at that open window.  But I think the sound is what amazes me most.  Quiet.  Nothing hurrying by, no alarms or emergency vehicles in the distance.  No cars zooming by up the hill.  No dogs barking in the distance.  Nothing....Just quiet.

Northern people are laughing at us southerners.  But they can laugh on.  We down here love our snow.  Even if you say you don't you deep down really do.  It's just a treat for us.  A very special treat.  A time to be home (hopefully) and just enjoy life and family and, yes, food.  It is rare for this "holiday" to come to us.  Yes, I consider it a holiday, even if I have to make it up at school in April.  It is a time we will remember and recall in the months and maybe years to come.  "Remember that time in 2014 when it snowed and we......?" Yes, we will recall this "holiday" just like others we celebrate.

I think today I will celebrate.  I have new snowboots (hoping they are tall enough) and I am going to dress warmly and hike in these beautiful woods God allows me to enjoy.  I have lots of family near by.  I know somebody is cooking something good and I think we can make it through the woods.

So, as for my opinion about the snow and this "holiday", I will love every minute of this time and enjoy the beauty God has graced us with.  Maybe He sent this "holiday" to get my attention.  To get me to focus on my senses in a way that I needed to be reminded of His presence and His works.

Yep, I will remember this snow and the beauty and the peace and the quiet and the driveway I can't get up.....

Love to you all.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day!!!!!

SNOWDAY!!!!!!  Love me a snow day...Unplanned days off are the best.  Who cares if we have to make it up later.  I can take a day off.  I have a sub list and I'm not afraid to use it.  So, I'm enjoying my snow day.

Liz and the babies are snowed in with us.  She came to town yesterday for Aunt Judy's funeral and, thanks to her mom's encouragement, planned ahead.

Lane's middle sister was laid to rest yesterday.  It's always so sad and hard to say goodbye to someone.  Someone you just always thought would be there.  Someone who had always been there.
She had been wonderful to help at Catherine's wedding.  What a worker she was.  Always doing something to make everyone else's life a little better; a little prettier.

She was all about family.  Her girls were her life.  THEN came the grand kids. And, like most of us grandparents, they became her focal point.  She loved them with all her being.

She loved animals.  If we or anybody had a sick animal, she would call and check on them.  She had this little dog when I first joined the Logan family.  That dang dog hated me.  Well, I think he hated a lot of people.  She would have to put it up when I would come to visit.  I'll never forget that best.

She loved Lane like a son.  Lane grew up with 5 sisters and a brother.  I always said I had 6 mother-in-laws....:)  Being the baby of the crowd, they all had a hand in his upbringing.  I think Judy and Mary Helen were the ones that really helped out.  They tell stories of taking him to places and things he did. What great memories I know he has.

Memories......It is wonderful to have such great memories.  It's what sustains us after a death.  One thing I will always remember about Judy is her beautiful Christmas tree.  Always a sight to behold.  I will also remember Christmas Eve at her house.  It was always one of the highlights for my girls at Christmas. The past few years, Mel has taken over that responsibility.  Very nicely, I might add...

Meatloaf.  Now, I can make a mean meatloaf but Judy's was almost against the law.  The best around.  She would bring it to every family gathering.  AND the potato salad. yummo.

There are many other memories I have of Aunt Judy...Easter egg hunts, Thanksgiving, birthdays, summertime, etc.  Memories I hope to never forget.

I imagine Judy in heaven with all those who have gone on before her.  AND sitting with the Father.