
Sitting on the sidelines observing life.

Friday, June 6, 2014

school days and birthdays

Well, today was the last day of school for students.  It is kind of a bitter sweet day.  I will truly miss some of my students but I am honestly glad to see a lot of them move on over the hill to KMHS.  It has been a, well, year.  Again this year we had a student with cancer.  Fortunately, he went through surgery, treatment and returned to school for the last few weeks.  His first day back was very emotional.  I could hardly teach my class that day.  Praise God for this wonderful miracle.

State testing is always horrible.  Scores came in this week.  We look for growth from 7th grade to 8th and I was extremely pleased.  One of my students had a 20 point increase and most had increases of between 2 and 14 points.  Woohoo.  Take THAT Common Core..

I received some of the most wonderful notes, calls and gifts from kids and parents.  That's what makes walking in my classroom each morning worth it.  Monday we do paper work and finish cleaning and then we are out for a few weeks.  And no, what's your name in Raleigh, I don't get paid for these weeks I don't work but it is still nice to be home.

Its been a rough year.  Some of our kids have issues and challenges that most of us can only imagine dealing with.  Death of parents, abuse, severe poverty, etc., only begin to touch what we deal with.  Then there's all this junk the state is trying to do to us lowly teachers.  I knew when I originally went into teaching that I would never be rich.  But, what's your name in Raleigh, it would be nice to have just a tiny little raise.  I mean it has been years (I don't even remember how many now).  But I will continue to go in that classroom everyday next year and do what I love and love what I do.

Today is my birthday.  Can I really be 53 years old?????  Where has all that time gone?  My grandmother died at 53 and I thought she was the oldest woman in the world.  Geeze.  My mom's comment was, "what if you had a daughter 53?"  It is pretty cool being in your 50s.  I see people in the 30s and 40s and I am so thankful I am not them.  Whew.  Get a grip.  A lot of the crap you are stressing about will not amount to a hill of beans when your in your 50s.

So, thanks to all the kids and parents who were really great this year.  God bless you with success at KMHS and in your future.  Many of you I will hear about in the future because your potential is so great and your future is so bright.  Go forth with love in your heart and passion in your soul.

Thanks to all of those who sent me posts, texts and called, sent cards and brought gifts for my birthday.  I am humbled at your love and thoughtfulness.

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