Well, the end of another year is upon us. Really upon us in like an hour and 45 minutes from right now as I type this. I have been thinking over the past couple days how exactly to sum up this last year. I really have no words that truly summarize my year. I find it totally and completely impossible to put words to the remarkable year I had. Yes, the good, the bad and the ugly are all included in my year. But I think that without the good, the bad and the ugly, my year would have meant so much less to me. You see, with out the bad stuff, the good stuff might not look so great....
To be totally honest, I am really having a hard time remembering just how bad some things might have been. To other people in my life, those bad things might have been harder or meaner. We had some challenges. Some events that were hard and sad and. at times, heart wrenching. We did survive. Nobody died and we are all able to smile and laugh and love. You see, God held our hands the entire year. He never left us and he never forgot us. Yep, he held our hands and our heads up and hearts together. Thank you God for this amazing year of challenges. Thank you for holding it all together and for keeping smiles on faces and love in our hearts.
There were some amazing things this year. Elizabeth and her kids moved back to KM. Just up the hill. I can look out my sun room and see her house. How wonderful that has been. Oh, it may not be forever but for now, it is great. Now, I don't see them everyday but knowing they are close is comforting.
There have been some other great things in my life this year. But one of the greatest and most wonderful things to ever happen in my life was my mission trip to Africa. If you had told me last New Year's Eve that in 2015 I would be going to Africa to serve as a missionary, I would have laughed in your face and called you crazy. God had this amazing plan for me and it all quickly and perfectly fell into place in 2015. WOW.....
So, what does 2016 look like? What amazing plans does God have for me? I can't begin to imagine and will not try to plan. God will let me know when the time comes. This is something I have totally learned this past year.
To all my family and friends, my wish is that you will have the love and laughter that makes life so wonderful. That you will have the patience to listen and follow the plans of the Father. That you will be healthy and happy and wise in your daily life. That you will look to what is important and focus on that. That you will expect the unexpected to come into your life and guide you to something you never ever thought possible. That your relationship with God will grow and strengthen you in the year ahead. Happy New Year.
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