
Sitting on the sidelines observing life.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Winnin' With Quinlan..and he will

WOW.  As you all know, I am now considered a "walker".  I walk every day that I can.  And yesterday I walked with dialated eyes.  Yes, it's true, I did. No. I couldn't really see where I was going but fortunately knew the way.  Sometimes I walk with friends (when they have time for me) but most of the time I walk alone.  On my "alone" walks I have an hour and 15 minutes to think, pray, dream, wonder and even cry. Yesterday my eyes were watering, but not from crying this trip.  But it was an amazing experience. It was so amazing I thought I was going to have to sit down on the side of the road just to regain my composure.  It was one of those times when the presence of my God was so overwhelming, I could barely pick up my feet.  It was like He was walking right beside me.  I could feel His presence so strongly.  WOW. 

I started wondering if I was the only person who ever felt this way.  I know I'm not and maybe other people feel God's presence more often.  Maybe other people are more receptive to 'God's presence than I am. Someone told me tonight that God wants to bless us all the time.  I know this is true.  I know He blesses me every minute of every day. Even in the hard times.  Praise be to God.  

We had an amazing event at schol today for Quinlan.  We had a spaghetti supper that went beyond my expectations.  It was a lot of work but we all came toghether and it was over the top.  Yesterday while walking I was thinking of all that had to be done and all that others, even stranges had done.  I can not begin to list all the people who donated money, time and items for our supper.  It was amazing.  We had parents of other students go over the top with their help in donating items, running errands and helping us out tonight,  Not to mention all the teachers and administrators that stayed after school ON A FIDAY to help. My teammates have all been brought to tears this week by the kindness of others.  I think that is why I felt so blessed yesterday and knew my God was at the head of the endeavor.  Thank you God. 

Quinlan is doing great! He and his family were able to be with us tonight.  His parents, his grandparents, his uncle and friends and neighbors joined us.  We had kids on our team stay after school and help us with everything.  We have some amazing kids on our team.  In this day and time when the world seems to be in chaos, I am reminded that it ain't all bad!!!  There is love in kids and they want to love others.

Quinlan goes back for round 2 of chemo in a little over a week.  Please keep him in your prayers.  I strongly believe he will beat this cancer and be a stronger person for it.  Please continue to pray for his precious family as they deal with a sick child.  I know what that's like and it is a horrible helpless feeling.  Pray hard. Pray for the doctors and caregivers to know what to do to get this disase out of his precious body.  

God is good.  I pray He will make His presence known to me or better yet, that I will be more receptive of the constant presence I know is there.

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